
My Brothers

Few people know that I am one of five identical brothers. Here they are from our last get together. (I was taking the picture, so I'm not in it.) We each have our own personalities and hair-care needs.


Lori Latham said...

Okay Murray you kill me with your humor. I think my favorite is the 'fro look. You look like a true ladies man!

AyDubb said...

I always knew you were a brotha, but not quite sure how...but now I KNOW you have had a brotha's influence. Right on with the fro! Tell Ray-Ray I said...'sup?

Laurie said...

My Friday can't possibly get any better. Murray, you are brilliant.

Karla said...

Un mono muy loco. iiCinco monos muy locos!!I just want to know how you did it...I'm thinking about growing a fro and I'd like to see my face with one...can you hook a sister up?

Karla said...

Un mono muy loco. iiCinco monos muy locos!!I just want to know how you did it...I'm thinking about growing a fro and I'd like to see my face with one...can you hook a sister up?