
I Like Martha Stewart

I like Martha Stewart. There. I said it.

Now that that is out in the open, let me explain. But before I do, let me address all of the normal complaints that people have about her.

"She doesn't do all of that herself!" Um, has she ever claimed to? Of course she has legions of minions behind the scenes doing the work for her. Do you think Bill Gates design or builds every program for Microsoft? Of course not.

"Women can never live up to her standards!" Of course not ... unless you have the aforementioned minions on your payroll. And for the record, we men can never live up to Bob Villa's standards, either. He has his own minions, too. I am pretty sure that I will never be able to tear down a wall, install a skylight or build a multi-level deck. But I'm not accusing him of setting me up for failure.

So why do I like her? I like her for her business sense, her tenacity and her ability to laugh at herself.

Sure, making your own marshmallows is absurd. But people are buying what she's selling -- and they're buying a lot of it. Despite a five month stint in prison she's back in the saddle with two TV shows and no apparent end in sight. Along the way, she cracks jokes about her criminal record and allows people to make fun of her, too. (Did you see David Spade dress up as Martha on her new daytime show -- with a house-arrest ankle bracelet, too? Hilarious.)

Not really sure why I felt compelled to post this. Lord only knows what level of grief I am going to get for it. But I say, "More power to ya, Martha!" Hers is an American story -- blemishes and all.


palomita said...

Steven...I like Madonna for a lot of the same core reasons. Now, I'm sure with THAT outing, you won't have to worry much.

Lori Latham said...

I totally agree. She seems to have a great ability to just accept what is and move on to make the best of it! And Dovie I agree with the Madonna comment!

Steven and Amanda said...

Maybe we should start a club for people like us -- you know, people admire people we shouldn't admire. I, too, admire Madonna for the same reasons -- her tenacity, her business savvy, her ability to continually reinvent herself. Her lyrics and persona? Not so much. (Although, I did go to her "Who's That Girl?" tour at the Astrodome in 1987.)