
Prayer For Ricky

Please pray for Ricky, my friend in India. He is still searching for a job. This is the e-mail that I received from him today (presented here just as he sent it to me):

Dear brother


Brother i have not got any job Sofar. my Dad talked to our village head.He suggested to us to change religion and make certificate of being SIKH. then only i can get job in ARMY because there are many battlions of SIKH but not even a single battalion of CHRISTIAN.My dad and i were not agreed with his advice and we can die of strvation but cant change the religion. Chances of getting job are very grim. Actually i dont want to tell you about this. i am very sorry. Still its going fine.


My heart aches for him knowing what a dark world in which he and his family are living. Please commit to praying for encouragement and strength -- and for God to continue to provide for their needs.

I am in regular e-mail contact with Ricky, and plan on sending him a package soon in time for Christmas. If you have any particular prayers for him or any scriptures to share, please post them here. And if you have any other recommendations of things for me to include in the package (particular books? supplies?), please let me know.

1 comment:

palomita said...

Steven, I've probably looked at this post 20 times...and keep not commenting, because, what is there to say? I can not imagine the daily trials that your friend Ricky faces. The fact that I SAY I'd never take a job that forces me to subscribe to another religion doesn't have real life to back it up.

I hope I'd have Ricky's perseverance if I were in his shoes.