
"Da Vinci" - Code Blue!

I am encouraged by the initial reviews of Tom and Opie's new project.

My happiness is not based on the critics' disapproval (since bad reviews won't stop people from seeing it). Rather, it's based on the fact that such an apparently "bad" film will undermine the credibility of the premise. As co-workers gather around the breakroom, as friends hang out over coffee, as unchurched folks chat on message boards, perhaps they will focus on the film as a poor piece of work -- and not the fabricated "merits" of the story.

In this case, maybe seeing is not believing!


raj said...

i was kinda hoping it would be good so that the conversation could be started...
i don't know if you remember the conversation that were started over movies like Contact, the matrix, the last temptation of christ. yeah them might be good movies...but it is easy to show someone the TRUTH vs the questions brought up by the movies...

as you may know, i enjoy a good discussion :)

yi said...

i saw the film. i never read the book. i don't quite understand why so many non-christians hate it so much. but as far as i can tell most people that don't like the film were the literary snobs that originally had issues with the writing style in the book. i think this superficial fact just carried over to the film. it's all vanity, really. perhaps they are upset b/c this opportunity they have to disprove the bible was not backed by historical truth. i actually thought as a film it could be entertaining if you could get past tom's lifeless character and the content (which i couldn't).

if anything, we can't blame art for any lost souls. i hope this film stirs up a desire in people to learn more about the early church and how the modern bible came to be based on research and historical fact so that we can be equipped to answer questions. this could very well be a means towards undoing this myth that the bible is a myth.