
A really big MILEstone!

Remember the story about the damage to my car? The passenger-side scrape and the mirror hanging on by wires?

Well, when my dad saw the car and the dangling mirror, he said, "What you need to do is get some duct tape ..."

"No!" I asserted as I interrupted him. "Any conversation about repairing a car that begins with getting duct tape is not a conversation I want to have."

Truth be told, I stopped by Walgreens on the way home from that encounter, bought some duct tape and put the mirror back in place. At least they make black duct tape now so it blends in with the rest of the car. At least that's what I'm trying to convince myself.

Anywho ... this good ol' 1995 Explorer turned 200,000 miles yesterday. I was on my way to a dinner with the Belize mission team and was just a few miles away from the milestone. Since I was running early, I decided to cruise around the Rice Village area until the odometer flipped. The big event took place somewhere on Kelvin not too far from Thai Spice and Antone's. (The historical marker should be put in place soon.)

I'll admit that since this car was a hand-me-down from my brother, I only put 15,000 miles on it. But my guess is that this is the only time I'll witness a car hit the 200,000 mark, so let me have my moment.

For all those cynics out there who say "Ford" stands for Found On Road Dead -- take that! I guess it stands for Found On Road Duct taped.

1 comment:

Erin said...

My grandpa always told me it stood for Fix Or Repair Daily... :-)