
"She's a Grand Ol' Flag ..."

Late Friday afternoon, I received a phone call at work from an elderly woman with the sound of concern in her voice.

"I understand that you are the person I need to speak to about flying the American flag for Memorial Day," she started as soon as I answered the phone.

"Huh?" I thought without expressing it out loud.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but I'm not quite sure what you are talking about," I said much more diplomatically. "Are you trying to reach Houston's First Baptist Church?"

"Yes, I am. I want to make sure that we fly the American flag on Memorial Day."

"Well, the American flag is always flying by the CLC entrance on the south side of the building."

"I'm want to make sure they are flying by the front entrance."

"Oh, right! The flags along the front sidewalk!"

From there, she proceded to talk sweetly about how the American flag is important to her generation. Apparently, the flags were not up last year and several of her peers noticed. She wanted to make sure that that didn't happen again.

I assured her that plans were already in place to put up the American flags this coming Monday, May 21, and that they would be up through Memorial Day. She was pleased to hear that. I also assured her that the American flag is important to my generation. She was pleased to hear that, too.

I just wonder if anybody from my generation (myself included) would ever take the time to call ahead and make sure that Old Glory was flying. Kudos to her generation for doing so.


David Hilburn said...

It's a shame when when we revere and honor the flag more than we do the cross. The 4th of July service at HFBC is one I almost cannopt bear to attend.

Alyssa said...

I agree that we need to show support of our troops and our country! A lot of men and women have died so we can have the freedom we do today. I'm glad she called, and you were able to tell her the American flag is important to our generation too!