
The Bible Scholars

If you read my reports from the Belize mission trip, you'll remember the story of the "Bible scholars" at the orphanage. Here's a picture of the guys (l to r): Errol, me, Aaron, and Kendrick.

Aaron joined me while I was guarding the basketball hoop tower against the other kids. They wanted to climb it or shake it in an attempt to knock Russ off while he was helping to install a new hoop.

On our last day in Belize City, Carolina and I ran errands to buy more things for the orphanage. When we dropped off the toys and supplies, guess who we ran into? Our friend Aaron. He had come home from school for lunch along with the rest of the kids. Here he is in his uniform with one of the new basketballs that we bought.

Please pray for these "Bible scholars" -- that they would truly be a light in a dark place among their young peers in Belize.

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