
If it were a snake ...

On Saturday, I was expecting a very important delivery of capital campaign materials. The plan was for the delivery guy to call me on my cell phone since I would already be at church for a Summit Ministries prayer breakfast (for the capital campaign, actually). When the estimated delivery time came and went without a phone call, I contacted the man behind all of our beautiful campaign materials to see what the story was.

According to their records, the delivery was made at 10:30 am and signed for by an HFBC staff member in our print shop. Since I did not have a key for the print shop, Ricky (our Facilities Director) came up to church to let me in. But lo and behold, we could not find the boxes anywhere in the print shop. Ricky got on his walkie-talkie to ask if anybody in earshot knew about the boxes. Clarence replied. As it turns out, they had already moved the boxes (eight in total) to my office.

Here’s the rest of the story …

I had been sitting in my office since about 11:00 am making the above-mentioned phone calls while sending e-mails. The entire time, the boxes were less than 6 feet from my chair. During the more than two hours in my office, I had to walk by them every time I got up to go to the restroom, to look for the boxes, and so on.

So … there you have it. I felt like an idiot. (Think this might mean my office is too cluttered to begin with?)

Bless my heart.

1 comment:

AyDubb said...

Oooooh. You could look at it as the boxes did not look like boxes that contained capital campaign materials. Yeah. That's it. the boxes didn't look like the boxes you needed. Nah. That's not legit either. I agree. Bless your heart.