
Punxsutawney, schmunxsutawney!

Groundhog Day is just silly, right? Clearly, the behavior patterns of an underground critter have no bearing on the climatic conditions of an entire nation -- or on anywhere, for that matter.

So, February 2 needs a new claim to fame.

There it is on the calendar, an innocent victim in the mad rush to the all-consuming Valentines Day less than two weeks away. Target and Walgreens have their heart-shaped candy boxes and sappy greeting cards up as soon as New Year's Eve is over (if not sooner). The Groundhog Day merchandise hardly gets any time to shine! Bless its heart.

That's why Amanda and I have chosen to take back February 2 -- to give it a distinction worthy of having! That's the day we're getting married: February 2, 2008. (Pretty sure it's at 5:00 pm.)

So, move over Punxsatawney Phil! The jig is up. Your 15 minutes are over. People ain't buyin' what you're sellin', bro. Let's give people something to REALLY celebrate on February 2!

(Well, at least our family will celebrate, right?)


dwms said...

Does that mean Spring will come early this year?

David Hilburn said...

February 2 is also the Day the Music Died. Maybe this wedding will resurrect it.