
I Think They Can

I just took an on-line poll sponsored by Newsweek and Beliefnet that corresponds with this week's Newsweek cover - Spirituality in America. One of the questions asked was:

"Can a good person who isn't of your religious faith go to heaven or attain salvation, or not?"

Here are the answers broken down by how people identified themselves spiritually. The first percentages listed are from the poll conducted for the article; the percentages in parentheses are from the on-line version.

Evangelical Christians
  • 68% - Yes (48% on-line)
  • 22% - No (30% on-line)
  • 10% - Don't know (22% on-line)
Non-Evangelical Christians
  • 83% - Yes (63% on-line)
  • 10% - No (12% on-line)
  • 7% - Don't know (25% on-line)
  • 91% - Yes (64% on-line)
  • 3% - No (7% on-line)
  • 6% - Don't know (28% on-line)
  • 73% - Yes (55% on-line)
  • 3% - No (10% on-line)
  • 24% - Don't know (36% on-line)

Disturbing numbers, if you ask me. However, I believe the question itself is flawed.

As an evangelical Christian, do I believe that a good person not of my religious faith can go to heaven or attain salvation? Absolutely ... if they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior first. The fact that there was such little agreement among our evangelical brothers and sisters leads me to think (or hope) that they were extending the same grace to the hypothetical "good person" in question.

My assumption, though, is that that interpretation is not what was meant by the pollsters.

1 comment:

raj said...

sad, what people think christianity really is. sad, people can't understand something so simply and easily laid out..."i am the way, the truth, the life, no one come to the father EXCEPT through me"

why is that so difficult? is it just because it doesn't make sense to our sense of justice? i understand this on a human side...but my faith in christ forces me to trust HIS truth.

i guess when a "leader of christians" can say something like "assinate him" we all have to see what we are not understanding of HIS will vs. ours!