
An Extraordinary Life

I wanted to share a few moments from Marge Caldwell's memorial service today. These are some of the highlights that really stuck out to me:
  • Dr. John Bisagno, HFBC Pastor Emeritus, led the Welcome and Remembrances. He said that when Marge got to heaven, they tried to give her some wings to reward her for her years of service -- but she turned those down and asked, "Could I have those gold eyelashes instead?"

    He reminded us that Marge served on two Pastor Search Committees at HFBC -- the one that brought us Bro. John and the one that brought us Pastor Gregg. When Marge showed up in heaven, he said, her daughter probably greeted her and asked, "What now, Mom? Looking for another pastor?"

    Bro. John pointed out that while everybody referred to her as Marge, Chuck called her Margie. Then, he led us all in singing the song, "Margie" written over 60 years ago:

    Margie, I'm always thinking of you, Margie
    I'll tell the world I love you
    Don't forget your promise to me
    I have thought of home and ring and everything.

    For Margie, you've been my inspiration
    Days are never blue
    After all is said and done there is really only one
    And Margie, Margie it's you.

    Finally, Bro. John was joined on stage by his wife, Uldine, and they sang a duet for Chuck -- "Walkin' along, singin' a song, side by side!"

  • Jeannette Clift George, founder of A. D. Players, spoke about "An Extraordinary Friend." She shared how Marge was instrumental in bringing her back into the Christian life and how for so long she tried to be just like Marge. At one conference, Jeannette said she caught herself telling people about her beloved husband, Chuck! Jeannette encouraged us to have a "Marge day" -- to live out Hebrews 13:3 and "encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today."

  • Beth Moore, Bible teacher and author, spoke about "An Extraordinary Mentor." Marge was the person who first invited Beth to speak at a women's retreat, and encouraged her -- many times -- to pursue teaching and speaking. She pointed out that she had not lived one day of her ministry without Marge being in her life -- until now.

    Toward the end of the service, when the slide show was playing, Beth went down and sat with Chuck on the front steps of the Worship Center so he could see the show up close on the monitor. I could see them whispering things to each other as each new picture came up -- and laughing more than a few times, too.

  • Gregg Matte, HFBC Pastor, delivered the message. He pointed out that there were many funerals going on throughout the city today, and most of them would focus on the "who" -- who the person was. Marge's memorial service helped us understand the "why" behind "who" she was -- her relationship with Jesus Christ.

    Gregg said that when he first began to think about this service, he was drawn to Psalm 116:15, which says, "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints." But as he prepared, he turned the page of his Bible and saw Psalm 118:13-14:

    I was pushed back and about to fall, but the LORD helped me.
    The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.

    Gregg shared how Marge had been "pushed back" so many times in her life -- including the final weeks of her life. But just as she had helped so many people, the LORD helped her -- and she knew it.

    Finally, Gregg shared that in recent weeks, the HFBC Counseling Center staff met and talked about what they were looking forward to in 2006. Marge, a member of the staff, shared that she wanted to become more like Jesus. Referring to how much Marge already looked so much like Christ, Gregg asked us, "What could Marge possibly share in an accountability group?" When Marge told her husband Chuck her goal for 2006, he wisely advised her that that would mean she would have to endure more suffering. Shortly after that, they were in the car wreck.

    So not only did he talk about the "why" behind the "who," but he explained the "how" as well, presenting the Gospel message and inviting people to come and talk with any of the folks on the stage after the service.

  • Following a slide show set to Mark Schultz's "Remember Me", Bro. John closed us in prayer and then had everybody to reach across the aisles and hold hands as we sang, "Sweet, Sweet Spirit" -- a former tradition at the end of each service at HFBC:

    There's a sweet sweet spirit in this place
    And I know that it's the spirit of the Lord

    There are sweet expressions on each face
    And I know that it's the presence of the Lord

    Sweet Holy Spirit
    Sweet heavenly dove
    Stay right here with us
    Filling us with your love

    And for these blessings
    We lift our hearts in praise
    Without a doubt we'll know that we have been revived
    When we shall leave this place

If anybody else reading this attended the service, feel free to share the moments that you remember! I know there were many, many more!


Me said...

Steven, thanks for sharing that.

Steven and Amanda said...

Another couple of things have come to mind since I posted this -- both from Pastor Gregg.

He explained that he and Kelly had recently been teaching Greyson (their son) about how God prepares a house for each one of us in heaven. When Marge passed away, they told Greyson that "Mrs. Caldwell" had gone to heaven. Greyson replied, "God must have been done building her house!"

Gregg also touched on how so many people wanted to be like Marge. He put those desires in the proper context by reminding us that when we feel that way, it is actually our spirit crying out -- longing to be in touch with Him. It's not that we want to be "like Marge" but that we want to be like Jesus!

Lisa said...


Thanks so much for writing this down.

There's a nice tribute on the HFBC site.

All for now,

Lori Latham said...

I have no doubt that as we said goodbye to such a beautiful woman that a beautiful time of worship was had by all! I love the follow up to Gregg's message (as it truly was a message to come and know Christ.) I love it when I meet people in Christ and my spirit jumps for joy for more of their presence...that is Jesus! Glory to your name Lord!

kelly said...

Thanks for sharing that, Steven. She touched so many people in her 91 years of living. I think everyone that had the opportunity to meet her automatically fell in love with her. It's like the Holy Spirit oozed out of Marge all the time!

Steven and Amanda said...

You're right Kelly ... the Holy Spirit did ooze from Marge!