
My First Day

My first day at Houston's First Baptist Church was February 6. Thanks for your prayers as I've walked through the process of starting this new job -- rather, this new ministry. It's great to work at a place where you are prayed over three times before noon on your first day!

I am in a temporary office with a temporary laptop and do not have too much work to do just yet other than getting to know my team and how things work -- which is plenty of work in and of itself! After 8 years at HFBC, I know a good number of the staff members already. Learning how we all work together and what my role is in the mix -- that's another story.

When I logged on to my church e-mail account today for the first time, I had 128 items in my inbox. Since today is just my second day, I was leary of e-mail traffic that rivaled both of my last two jobs -- combined! But, as it turns out, my e-mail was added to the church staff distribution list weeks ago so those 128 e-mails were 3 weeks' worth of traffic. Not bad.

For those of you who attend HFBC, let me say this ... even in just the two days that I've been here, I have been tremendously blessed by the warmth of the other staff members, the excitement and passion they have about their jobs, and the desire they have to make improvements where needed (especially as it relates to communications). As a lay member, I've always had great respect for our church staff. Now, from a "behind the scenes" viewpoint, it's great to see just how well-deserved that respect truly is!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Congrats Steven. I'm proud to belong to an awesome church that continues to bring on outstanding people and carry out the work of Christ. God bless you in this new ministry.