
Sign of the Time

I have been putting off posting this for a few weeks now. I'm not really sure what to make of this, and am fearful that people will slap the "crazy" label on me once you read it. But it's just too darn intriguing not to share.

For the past two months or so, I have seen the numbers 911 more often than normal.

There was one week when on at least four or five occasions -- when I looked to see the time either on my cell phone, my oven, or my computer -- the time was 9:11.

Yesterday, I checked my Blogger profile for the first time in months. And there it was -- my profile had been viewed 911 times.

This morning, I received a phone call, looked down at the caller ID, and noticed that the time was 9:11.

I just don't know where to "land" on this one.
  • Is it a "sign" of some kind? (Oh, how I hate the sound of that question!)
  • Is it simply a coincidence? (But is there really such a thing?)
  • Have I seen other numbers just as often but simply not noticed them because they lack any significance?
  • Am I subconsciously looking at the clock around 9:11 two times a day, kinda like a self-fulfilling prophecy of some kind?
The fact that this year is the five year anniversary of 9/11 is certainly not lost on me. Perhaps I just take this and pray for the victims' families and for our nation's continued protection from future attacks. Or, maybe I avoid clocks two times a day.


Me said...

Steven, if it makes you feel better, I have noticed that I regularly look at the clock at 9:11 both morning and night. I think it probably falls in the category of that number just being more meaningful to us, so we take notice of it. Sort of like when I was planning a trip to Australia, and suddenly I noticed stuff about Australia on TV, in the newspaper, everywhere! I had just finally paid attention to what was already there.

Ulovebeth said...

Don't let this trip you out. I saw the same numbers a bunch and I got totally wigged out by it. God is not a God of confusion. If He sends you a message, you'll know it.
But I do like to see the numbers 11:11. In grade school we'd say, "11:11 - somebody loves me!". Pretty ree-ree, I know.

Erin said...

I've been watching entirely too much LOST. The whole time I was reading your post, I kept hearing Hurley screaming "The numbers are bad!!" If you don't watch LOST, you won't get it. But if you do, you just might be wondering what Steven is going to do on his island.... ;-)

David Hilburn said...

I just hope there aren't any monkeys on his island.