
At least I didn't milk the cow

This is one of those posts that allows me to publicly laugh at myself, as well as enables me to warn others before they make the same mistake.

I made a Key lime pie the other night. The recipe said to use a 2/3 cup of juice from real Key limes (and not just regular limes) if possible. I guess the way that was worded led me to believe that the juice had to come directly from Key limes -- with no middle man in the process.

So, I bought a sack of Key limes -- 22 of them in all -- and proceeded to cut and squeeze all of them. All 44 halves. They are a little smaller than a Ping Pong ball, if you didn't know. And without a juicing device in my kitchen, my fingers got a workout. I used a cheese grater to strain out the seeds and pulp. (Today, I remembered that I actually have a strainer for such situation.)

The recipe also called for condensed milk. No, I did not try to press or squeeze actual milk into a smaller container.


David Hilburn said...

I am sure it was a lovely dinner. How did the potatoes turn out? ;)

The Bride said...

Got any pie left?

David Hilburn said...

I like pie!

David Hilburn said...

I still cannot believe you didn't just by the key lime juice.