
We'll take 12 Coca-Cola glasses, 1 country oil lamp, 2 rocking chairs and 1 country apple-scented candle

One of my most favorite co-workers at HFBC is Shirley. Originally from Diboll in deep East Texas, Shirley has an accent that arrives about two minutes before she does wherever she goes.

You may recall a previous post I made about her experience with OnStar. She had to cancel the service because everytime she called them the operator had to put her on hold while they found a specialized linguist to interpret what she was saying.

That's what makes a recent question she asked me all the more hilarious and endearing.

I ran into her at the cafe at church as I was leaving and she was standing in line. She and another employee stopped me to ask about the wedding and to share their excitement with me. As I walked away, Shirley asked, "Now, are you registered at Cracker Barrel?"

Actually, now that I live outside both loops, maybe we should register there!


David Hilburn said...

There is never a time when Cracker Barrel is not a good answer.

Hungry? Cracker Barrel.

Thirsty? Cracker Barrel.

Need a gift idea? How 'bout one of them jump-the-peg games from Cracker Barrel.

Palestinian crisis? Nothing a good home-style meal from the Cracker Barrel couldn't help resolve (just don't serve the country ham to anyone, just to be safe).

Ulovebeth said...

I suppose by changing out visits to Cracker Barrel with Empire Cafe, I have changed as a person. Somedays I miss Cracker Barrel.

I'd register for the Jelly Belly and the PB fudge.

That is so funny.

If she needs an interpreter, I speak Kentuckese, which is a close dialect to East Texan.