
Stakes In The Ground

For those of you who have ever put a stake in the ground to boldly proclaim your position on something, let my story serve as a cautionary tale of what may very well happen to you:

Old Me: Living outside the Loop is ... well, I don't know what it is, but it's NOT really "living."
New Me: I already have plans for where I'll hang Christmas lights next year on our new house outside Beltway 8. We found a place in Ashford Village (west of Kirkwood, south of Briar Forest, north of Westheimer, east of Dairy Ashford). We close in late December and we'll move in after the wedding. I can already taste the farm fresh eggs and produce out in the country!

Old Me: Amanda will never get to see my master bedroom -- and especially not the closet. It's too messy and embarrassing to share with anybody.
New Me: Amanda was the best helpmate I could have ever had! In a few hours, we had cleaned out the closet and most of the room.

Old Me: "Happy Birthday, Jesus" is the most annoying Christmas song ever recorded. Ever.
New Me: I turn up the radio louder when the song is on so Braden can sing along to his favorite Christmas song. Makes me smile every time. (For the record, I am still holding on to my stake in the ground about the "Christmas Shoes" song.)

So ... what are your stakes in the ground? Better make sure they're in there nice and tight -- or be prepared for some big (and great) changes!


Me said...

Amanda and Brayden brought about some "life-changing" thoughts, huh? ;) Yea for change! It's good for us!

Erin said...

I heard the Christmas Shoes song this morning and thought of you. And it wasn't even on KSBJ!

The new house looks really nice!!

Ulovebeth said...

Wow. Do you let people call you Stephen now?

I am so confused about where you live. All I could understand was "Beltway." Now that I've got you and Bray outta the hood, I am officially the Sheriff!! :)

Amanda is a brave woman for cleaning the room. God bless her. We've been praying for someone brave enough to go in there for years--since Murray Christmas 2004. You need to video Braden singing the song!!

Shanna said...

Old you: Refusing to acknowledge that the majority of your brain power came from your superb Aggie education.

New you: Loving and praising the Aggies and realizing that Braden's best chance for a bright future lies with the good, moral people in Aggieland.

David Hilburn said...

If Abraham had staked his claim and refused to move, he never would have seen Canaan. If Moses had listened to the 10 spies, Israel would have returned to Egypt, but instead Caleb and Joshua prevailed, and "milk and honey" won the day, not giants.

Even Jesus moved the stakes and went through Samaria instead of around it.

Holding fast to our staked ground tells the world we are happy where we are. And that's a good thing. But it also makes us hesitant to change, and that's not a good thing. The only thing constant in this world is change (God is not of this world, so He isn't included here).

It's good to see friends grow. It's even better to see friends grow together as you and Amanda have done (along with Braden).

Steven and Amanda said...

Dave -- thanks for the great message. I appreciate it.

Beth -- if people think "Stephen" when they say my name, that's fine. If they write it, that's another story. And if they say OR write "Steve" -- all bets are off. Clearly, that person is not a friend.

Shanna -- bless your heart.

Ebay -- it pains me that people think of me when they hear the worst Christmas song ever. But as somebody once said, there's no such thing as bad press!

Carissa -- yes, change is good. At this rate, it wouldn't surprise me if God had me living in Dallas (YIKES!) and singing the "Christmas Shoes" song as a solo during half-time at an A&M football game while wearing a t-shirt that said, "My name is Steve." THAT would be some change!

leslie said...

what an uplifting post!

Lucretia said...

Stephen, I'm stunned. You found someone who would actually help you clean your closet? You'd BETTER be good to her! Seriously, congratulations on the upcoming wedding, your great new family and home.