
My Inner-Grumpy

For the record, my inner-Grumpy wrote the post about large groups and long tables. He sure can be a jerk, huh? If I had written it, it would have sounded much nicer and much less condescending.

What my inner-Grumpy failed to recognize are the well-meaning, good intentions of those who live in the "one large table" camp. In my opinion, his comments sounded a bit too -- dare I say -- judgmental. Don't worry. I'll have a talk with him and point out the errors of his ways.

While my inner-Grumpy and I may share the same frustration with one large table, you will not find him at my table for four -- so please do not hesitate to join me!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Steven - you and your "Inner Grumpy" are both hilarious. I'd sit at your table anytime - large or small. :)

Just don't bring "Inner Grumpy" to Cuba with you... Deal?