
"The End of The Spear"

A friend forwarded the following e-mail to me and asked me to put it on my blog. I am flattered to think that my blog came to mind as a way to help reach 100,000 people! ;-)

But before you read the e-mail or see the movie, I wanted to bring up another point that may go unnoticed by most media. The actor cast as Nate Saint (martyred in the movie) and Steve Saint (his son who maintains a ministry with the Waodani tribe) is Chad Allen, an openly homosexual activist.

Now, I am not bringing this up in an attempt to turn people against the film -- not at all. Rather, I think it offers an interesting item for discussion for believers. What impact, if any, will his involvement in the film have on its message? For an editorial on this topic, refer to this article I found by doing a simple Google search.

OK ... so, here's the e-mail:


A major film, called End Of The Spear, opens today, January 20. It depicts the effects of the Grace of God in very powerful and spectacular ways.

The story begins in 1956, when five Christian missionaries (Jim Elliot was among them) gave their lives in an Ecuadorian jungle, attempting to bring the gospel to the Waodani stone-age people. At that time they were the most violent tribe on Earth – and yet they became the most loving and peaceful!

The missionaries made friendly contact, but something went terribly wrong. The Waodani speared them to death. A tragedy? Yes, but God turns everything to good, for the blessing of many and for His glory, and this was no exception. God used this tragedy to motivate more people to become missionaries than any other event in modern history – perhaps ever. He also used two women to complete the work of the five martyred missionaries, bringing the Waodani to himself.

So the deaths of those five men did more to advance the kingdom of God than their lives ever could.

It is a major motion picture (production cost $12 million) that tells the story of God's Grace from the perspective of the Waodoni. Beginning today, End Of The Spear will be shown in theaters across the United States. If it does well it will be accepted by many other theaters, but it must do well right from the start. We can help make the film do well. We can work together to get at least 100,000 people to see the film on January 20th.

How? Very simple. This e-mail is going to hundreds of addresses, many in America. Our connections are endless! So, if each of us were to pass this e-mail on to just 10 others (some can share it with hundreds!), and each of them did the same, our goal of getting 100,000 people to see the film on January 20 would be reached easily -- and likely greatly surpassed!

Just forward this e-mail to 10 caring friends. Let's make End Of The Spear a great success! To learn more about the film visit:


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